

Invited Talks


Three-Generations-Conference of the Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’ (RU Bochum): The Biopsychosocial Model of Chronic Illnesses: Prospects and Challenges

Third Workshop of the Research Network ‘The Role of Ambivalence for Suicidal Agency’ (TU Dresden): A Case Study of Chronic Pain: Agency, Suffering, and the Importance of Ambivalence

Workshop ‘Coordination, Norms, & Group Action’ (Radboud University): Pluralism – From Individuals to Groups (with Dr. Julia Wolf)

Colloquium of the Institute for Philosophy (TU Dortmund): Negative Niche Construction: Modern Challenges in Medicine and Healthcare

OZSW Study Group ‘Philosophy & Psychiatry (VU Amsterdam): The Biopsychosocial Model and the Challenges of Integration


Neural Mechanisms Online Webinar: The Notorious Neurophilosophy of Pain: A Family Resemblance Approach to Idiosyncrasy and Generalizability

Lecture Series ‘Philosophy & Psychopathology of Embodiment in Social Context’ (University Clinics Heidelberg): An Enactive Approach to Acute and Chronic Pain


Colloquium ‘New Developments in Experimental Philosophy’ (University of Zurich): The Folk Concept of Pain: Implication, Cancellability, & Projection

Colloquium ‘Theoretical Philosophy’ (University of Bern): Pain and the Field of Affordances

RUB-UFMG Workshop (online; RU Bochum & Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais): A Multidimensional Phenomenal Space for Pain

Colloquium ‘Cognition and Culture’ (online; University of Exeter): An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain and Its Treatment (with Dr. Peter Stilwell)


Colloquium ‘Philosophy of Cognition’ (online; TU Berlin): Why Bodily Sensations Still Pose a Challenge to Strong Representationalism


Colloquium ‘Philosophy of Nature and Sciences’ (University of Bonn): Strong Intentionalism and the Issue of Bodily Sensations

Internal Research Meeting ‘New Developments in Experimental Philosophy’ (University of Bern): The Paradox of Pain


GAP  Workshop ‘Mental Representation, Mechanistic Explanation & Situated Cognition’ (University of Cologne): Pain: Why Representationalists Cannot Account for It

PhilSoc Seminar of the School of Philosophy (ANU): The Causal and Functional Roles of Pain


Colloquium of the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Immunobiology (University Clinic Essen):
Pain Between Neuroscience and Philosophy

Doctoral Colloquium of the Institute of Philosophy (University of Bern): The Integrative Pattern Theory of Pain

Peer-Reviewed Talks


OZSW Conference of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy (University of Leiden): The Dark Side of Niche Construction

Carnap Lectures with Kim Sterelny (RU Bochum): The Dark Side of Niche Construction


Online Workshop ‘Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind’: What can Neuroscientific Pain Research do for Clinical Practice?

Conference ‘The Emotions: Phenomenology, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy’ (University Clinics Heidelberg): The Lived Experience of Chronic Pain

GAP Conference (HU Berlin): The Mysterious Pain Quality

GAP Conference (HU Berlin): Pluralism and the Role of Mindreading (with Dr. Julia Wolf)

Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ‘Cognitive Diversity’ (online; Toronto): An Experimental-Linguistic Study of the Folk Concept of Pain: Implication, Projection, and Deniability (with Dr. Pascale Willemsen and Prof. Kevin Reuter)

European Society for Psychology and Philosophy Conference (University of Milan): The Folk Concept of Pain: Complex, Not Paradoxical

Workshop on ‘Agency, Bodily Perception, and the Self’ (University of Barcelona): Pain, Action, and Agency


Congress of the German Society for Philosophy (online; University of Erlangen-Nürnberg): Pain and the Significance of Action: Motivating and Challenging Imperative Theories

European Society for Psychology and Philosophy Conference (online; University of Leipzig): A Multidimensional Phenomenal Space for Pain: Structure, Primitiveness, & Utility

European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions Conference (online; University of Graz): A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity (with Prof. Achim Stephan)

Workshop ‘Minds, Models and Mechanisms: Current Trends in Philosophy of Psychiatry’ (online; University of Saarbrücken): An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain: Addressing Conceptual, Methodological, and Therapeutic Challenges (joint work with Dr. Peter Stilwell)

Workshop ‘Methodology of Situated Cognition Research’ (online; University of Kassel): The Unificatory Value of Enactivism in Clinical Contexts: An Exemplary Study of Chronic Pain (joint work with Dr. Peter Stilwell)


European Experimental Philosophy Conference (online; University of Prague): The Semantics & Norms of Assertion for Pain Reports (with Prof. Kevin Reuter)


Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences (Roma Tre): The Family Resemblances of Pain: A Non-Eliminative Approach


Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences (University of Bologna): The Dynamics of Pain

European Society for Psychology and Philosophy Conference (University of Herefordshire): The Dynamic Pattern Theory of Physical Pain – An Empirically Informed Approach

Understanding Value Six Conference (University of Sheffield): The Value of Pain

The Human Mind Conference (University of Cambridge): Challenging the Intentional Approach to Pain: Representationalism and Imperativism (Poster Presentation)

Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures with Frank Jackson (RU Bochum): Challenging the Representational Approach to Pain


European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions Conference (University of Athens): Pain and Emotion


European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions Conference (University of Edinburgh): Criteria of Rationality and Their Application to Emotions

Talks at Co-organized Workshops


GAP Satellite Workshop ‘Scaffolding and Niche Construction: Conceptualization and Applications’ (HU Berlin): The Dark Side of Niche Construction


Workshop ‘Investigating the Mind: Pain, Emotion & Affective Disorders’ (RU Bochum): A Space for Pain (Paper Discussion)


Workshop ‘The Nature of Pain: An Interdisciplinary Perspective’ (RU Bochum): The Dynamics of Pain

Spring School ‘Social Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action’ (RU Bochum): The Dynamic Pattern Theory of Pain – Neuroscientific Insights and their Theoretical Implications

If you would like to know more about my talks or

if you would like to have access to the corresponding slides, please contact me.