
… to be updated soon …

Publication: Pain Linguistics

I am pleased that my latest work with Dr. Pascale Willemsen and Dr. Kevin Reuter has been published in The Philosophical Quarterly “Pain Linguistics: A Case for Pluralism” (open access).

Blog Post: A New Paradigm to Understand Pain

I am pleased to indicate a new blog post under the lead of Dr. Peter Stilwell with IAI News on “A New Paradigm to Understand Pain”.

Podcast: Pain & Philosophy (German)

I am very excited to be on the PhysioBib Podcast by Nils Reiter & Noak Liam, Epsiode 10 “Schmerz & Philosophy” (Pain & Philosophy)

Publication: Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding

I am pleased that my latest work with Dr. Julia Wolf and Prof. Albert Newen has been published in Erkenntnis “Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding” (open access).

Publication: The Notorious Neurophilosophy of Pain

I am pleased that my latest work has been published in Mind & Language on “The Notorious Neurophilosophy of Pain: A Family Resemblance Approach to Idiosyncrasy and Generalizability” (open access).

Publication: A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity

My joint paper wiht Prof. Achim Stephan “A Taxonomy of Envrionmentally Scaffolded Affectivity” has been published in The Danish Yearbook of Philosophy (open access).

Talk: A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity

I am pleased to present my joint work with Prof. Achim Stephan on “A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity ” at the online conference of the  European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (10 – 12 of June 2021, University of Graz).

Talk: An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain and Its Treatment

I am pleased to present my joint work with Dr. Peter Stilwell on “An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain and Its Treatment” at the online colloquium  Cognition and Culture (19 of May 2021, University of Exeter).

Webinar: Is the biopsychosocial model of pain adequate? Conceptual and therapeutic challenges

I am pleased to jointly present with Dr. Peter Stilwell our work on ” Is the biopsychosocial model of pain adequate? Conceptual and therapeutic challenges” at a webinar of the Pain BC Society at the 11th of May.

Press Release: How philosophy can change the understanding of pain

Press release of the RUB News on the  Synthese paper “Pain and the field of affordances – An enactive approach to acute and chronic pain” by Dr. Peter Stilwell and me. The article addresses the question of how philosophy might change our understanding of pain and pain management. The full article is linked here.

Talk: An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain

I am pleased to present my joint work with Dr. Peter Stilwell on “An Enactive Approach to Chronic Pain: Addressing Conceptual, Methodological, and Therapeutic Challenges” at the online workshop Minds, Models and Mechanisms: Current Trends in Philosophy of Psychiatry (20 – 22 of March 2021; University of Saarbrücken).

Talk: The Unificatory Value of Enactivism in Clinical Contexts

I am pleased to present my joint work with Dr. Peter Stilwell on “The unificatory value of enactivism in clinical contexts” at the online workshop Methodology of Situated Cognition Research (3rd & 4th of March 2021; University of Kassel).

Publication: A Multidimensional Phenomenal Space for Pain

I am glad to announce that my paper “A multidimensional phenomenal space for pain: structure, primitiveness, and utility” is now published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.

Publication: Strong Representationalism and Bodily Sensations

My paper “Strong representationalism and bodily sensations : reliable causal covariance and biological function” has been published in Philosophical Psychology.

Publication: Pain, Amnesia, and Qualitative Memory

My paper “Pain, amnesia, and qualitative memory : conceptual and empirical challenges. Commentary on Barbara Montero’s paper ‘What experience doesn’t teach: Pain-amnesia and a new paradigm for memory research'” has  been published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, 27(11-12), 126-133

Talk: Bodily Sensations & Strong Representationalism

I am pleased to present my work on “Why bodily sensations still pose a challenge for strong representationalism” in the research colloquium Philosophy of Cognition at TU Berlin: 17.11.2020, 10:15-11:45 (online).

Publication: Pain Experiences and their Link to Action

My paper “Pain experiences and their link to action: challenging imperative theories” has been published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, 27(9-10), 104-126.


I am more than pleased to receive in 2020 the gfd-Preis Wilhelm-Hollenberg of the Ruhr University Bochum for outstanding doctoral theses in humanities. This year without official award ceremony.

Talk: European Online X-Phi Conference (20.06.2020)

I am very pleased to present my joint work with Kevin Reuter and Albert Newen at the European Online Experimental Philosophy Conference on “The semantics and norms of assertion for pain reports”.

Conference: Early Career Researcher Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science (June & July 2020)

We are pleased to announce that our Third Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science is taking place online in June and July 2020. Keynote speakers are Rob Rupert (Boulder) and Sanneke de Haan (Tilburg).

Book Publication: Experiencing Pain

In autumn 2020, my book entitled “Experiencing pain” will be published by De Gruyter based on my research of the last five years. In the book, I examine the psychological, neural, causal, and biological properties of pain (experiences) and defend my own family resemblance theory.

Exhibition: Wie wir die Welt sehen: Philosophie und Kognition (Bochum)

In February and March 2020, the Blue Square of the Ruhr University Bochum will host the exhibition “Wie wir die Welt sehen: Philosophie und Kognition”.

New Position: RTG Situated Cognition

I am looking forward to working as a postdoctoral researcher and scientific coordinator in the RTG Situated Cognition located at the Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Osnabrück from February 2020 onwards.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me.