Science Communication

Lectures for Non-Philosophers
Annual symposium of PhysioAustria (Innsbruck): Biopsychosoziale Modelle: Theoretische Annahmen und praktische Herausforderungen (Biopsychosocial Models: Theoretical Assumptions and Practical Challenges)
Virtual symposium for physiotherapists and sport scientists organized by ‘OX Science’: Schmerzen und Wahrnehmung von Handlungsmöglichkeiten (Pain and the Experience of Action Possibilities)
AlphaGammaPartners ‘Vaksteunpunt Filosofie’ (Haags Montessori Lyceum): Introduction to Situated Cognition for High-School Teachers
Conference of the German Osteopathy School ‘Osteopathy meets Psychology’ (online; Berlin): Philosophical Reflections on Pain, Person, and Practice (with Dr. Peter Stilwell)
Pain BC Society Webinar (online): Is the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain (for a recording of the presentation see here: Youtube)
Video Interview with PhysioBib: Auftakt der ‘From Pain to Suffering’ Konferenz – Die Organisator*innen im Interview (Conference ‘From Pain to Suffering – Interview with the organizers)
Video interview with PhysioBib: Der Unterschied zwischen Schmerz und Leiden (The difference between pain and suffering)
Interview with Zeit Online about pain and suffering (led by Olga Herschel)
YouTube Videos
PhysioBib: Wie Schmerz unsere Umweltwahrnehmung verändert (How pain changes our perception of the world)
PhysioBib: Grenzen des bio-psycho-sozialen Modells (Limits of the bio-psycho-social model)
Cultural Branding ‘Grenzüberschreitungen: Auslöser, Gefühle, Wirkungen‘ (Crossing borders: Triggers, feelings, effects); Global Young Faculty (Mercator Research Center Ruhr)
Scientific Support for the Exhibition: ‘Wie wir die Welt sehen: Philosophie und Kognition‘ (How we see the world: Philosophy and cognition) (RU Bochum)