Dr. phil.
Sabrina Coninx
I am an Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, co-coordinating the Research Master Philosophy of Neuroscience. Before that, I worked at Ruhr University Bochum as a postdoctoral researcher and scientific coordinator of the Research Training Group Situated Cognition.
I obtained a PhD in philosophy at the Ruhr University Bochum under the supervision of Albert Newen and Colin Klein. I obtained a Master degree in philosophy and a Bachelor degree in philosophy and psychology at the University of Bonn.
Please see my Biography for more information. You may also find me on Philpaper, Researchgate, Academia, and Twitter.
My VU research profile provides an overview of and access to my publications. For more information see also Research & Publications.
Contact: s.coninx [at] vu.nl
I am interested in multiple core aspects of the philosophy of mind, taking into account research findings and questions from neuroscience, psychology, medicine, and healthcare.
My research focuses on mental phenomena related to human suffering which appears to me as one of the most enigmatic, but also fascinating research subjects. I have intensively worked on diverse philosophical questions related to acute and chronic pain – encompassing the phenomenal character, neural implementation, causal embeddedness, and biological function of these phenomena. For example, I am interested in tools to systematically model the phenomenal experiences of people living with pain and how they can be accounted for within a naturalistic framework. Furthermore, I use core concepts of situated cognition to address the question of how biological, psychological, and social factors interact in chronic illnesses and can be targeted in clinical contexts to reduce human suffering.
Another research area of mine is the philosophy of social understanding, especially the plurality of epistemic strategies we use in interaction with others. Furthermore,I use expertimental approaches to study the folk concept of pain.
Areas of Specialisation
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Neuroscience
Philosophy of Psychiatry
Philosophy of Healthcare
Situated Cognition
Social Cognition
Experimental Philosophy
Research Subjects
Bodily Sensations
Human Suffering
Chronic Illnesses
Affective Disorders
Scaffolding & Niche Construction
Mindreading & Mindshaping
All the latest news concerning research projects, publications, talks, & collaborations
Research & Publications
Detailed description of research projects & related publications
Information about my academic career, educational background, funding, & grants
List of selected talks & other conference contributions
Academic Activities
Teaching, conference organization, & administrative work