Science Communication

Lectures for Non-Philosophers

Annual symposium of PhysioAustria (Innsbruck): Biopsychosoziale Modelle: Theoretische Annahmen und praktische Herausforderungen (Biopsychosocial Models: Theoretical Assumptions and Practical Challenges)

Virtual symposium for physiotherapists and sport scientists organized by ‘OX Science’: Schmerzen und Wahrnehmung von Handlungsmöglichkeiten (Pain and the Experience of Action Possibilities)

AlphaGammaPartners ‘Vaksteunpunt Filosofie’ (Haags Montessori Lyceum): Introduction to Situated Cognition for High-School Teachers

Conference of the German Osteopathy School ‘Osteopathy meets Psychology’ (online; Berlin): Philosophical Reflections on Pain, Person, and Practice (with Dr. Peter Stilwell)

Pain BC Society Webinar (online): Is the Biopsychosocial Model of Pain (for a recording of the presentation see here: Youtube)


Video Interview with PhysioBib: Auftakt der ‘From Pain to Suffering’ Konferenz – Die Organisator*innen im Interview (Conference ‘From Pain to Suffering – Interview with the organizers)

Video interview with PhysioBib: Der Unterschied zwischen Schmerz und Leiden (The difference between pain and suffering)

Interview with Zeit Online about pain and suffering (led by Olga Herschel)


YouTube Videos

PhysioBib: Wie Schmerz unsere Umweltwahrnehmung verändert (How pain changes our perception of the world)

PhysioBib: Grenzen des bio-psycho-sozialen Modells (Limits of the bio-psycho-social model)



Cultural Branding ‘Grenzüberschreitungen: Auslöser, Gefühle, Wirkungen‘ (Crossing borders: Triggers, feelings, effects); Global Young Faculty (Mercator Research Center Ruhr)

Scientific Support for the Exhibition: ‘Wie wir die Welt sehen: Philosophie und Kognition‘ (How we see the world: Philosophy and cognition) (RU Bochum)


The Knowledge Exchange Podcast

What’s your philosophy? The Enactive Approach to Pain for Clinical Practice

(with Dr. Peter Stilwell)

Out of the Box Science

Warum die Sport- und Therapiewelt die Philosophie braucht

PhysioBib Podcast

Schmerz und Philosophie

The Level Up Podcast

Beyond the BPS Model of Pain: An Enactive Approach to Pain and Rehab

(with Dr. Peter Stilwell and Michael Ray)

The Words Matter Podcast

Understanding People, Pain, and Practice

(with Dr. Peter Stilwell)

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me.